If you are getting the error that g++.exe has stopped working , you might be using Bloodshed Dev C++ in Windows 8 /8.1/10 Operating System. Whatever it may be I’ve faced this problem several times during executing my programs in the Dev C++ compiler . It generally happens when you install Dev C++ and try to compile a cpp file in Windows 8/8.1 or in Windows 10, a windows pops-up saying that g++ has stopped working. Its not so easy to figure out the problem as not all of you might be using same version of Dev C++ Compiler and may be even on different Operating Systems.Whatever it may be , in this post I will discuss a few methods. Any of these method might work for you. I recommend to follow each method step by step and follow each method one after another.
Sep 17, 2015 Hi Everyone, I recently completed the instructions for installing rstan and ran the example code. This is what popped out. I cannot seem to find a reference to it in your issues, so I concluded it. Just not to overlook the obvious, but did you search the directory where you installed Dev-C for 'iostream' to make sure iostream.h and iostream.cpp are there?
- How to fix g++.exe has stopped working problem?
Method 1
In this method , it is just changing of various parameters , this could fix the g++ has stopped working error. I recommend this method for 64-bit users ( people mostly using laptops are 64 bit ) and I recommend Method 2 for x86 ( 32-bit users ).
Click on Tools in the top bar as shown in the screenshot and select Compiler Options
Step 2 :
Select Programs pane in the Compiler Options window and change the gcc , c++ , make parameters.
- In the newer versions make still stands as mingw32-make.exe , don’t change it.
- These parameters may be same be shown in your Dev C++ Compiler ( based on the version ) , if problem still persists , skip to the next Method.
If the above method , didn’t work try the next method.
In this method , I recommend you to download the most stable version Dev C++ here ( wait 5 seconds for the download to begin ) and I personally tried this method using this version of Dev C++.
After downloading the above version of Dev C++ , download the below two important header files as these below header files mostly fixes all the errors with Dev C++ on Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10 even and works fine.
Step 2 :
Click on the files to download the header files. These files are open source anyone can download them and edit them.
Step 3:
After downloading both the files , paste them into the following destination folder.
Dev C Not Compiling Error Windows 10
C:Program FilesDev-CppMinGW64x86_64-w64-mingw32include
Dev C Not Compiling Error Code
Start Dev-C++ on your compiler now you can work with Dev C++ seamlessly without any errors. This method mostly works and I’ve tested it. You won’t get g++ exception during compilation.
Dev C Not Compiling Error Free
If the above solution doesn’t fix the problem you can download the updated setup which includes Latest Dev-C++ (32bit and 64bit). You canDowload Latest Dev-C++here(47MB) and comment the errors you face during this procedure.
Dev C Not Compiling Error In Firefox
P: 4 | 'permission denied' 'id returned 1 exit status' im compiling with dev c++ im using windows vista, but i have compiled and ran other programs before. pretty simple program, some parts in french, just wondering what i have to do fix it. - #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- int main()
- {
- int x= 0; // declaration des variables et leur donne une valeur de depart '0'
- int bande1 = 0; // declaration des variables et leur donne une valeur de depart '0'
- int bande2 = 0; // declaration des variables et leur donne une valeur de depart '0'
- int bande3 = 0; // declaration des variables et leur donne une valeur de depart '0'
- float vresistance = 0; // declaration des variables et leur donne une valeur de depart '0'
- float vresistance2 = 0; // declaration des variables et leur donne une valeur de depart '0'
- do{
- printf('n Voici le tableau des couleurs des bandes, chaque couleur est associe a un numero');
- printf('Si tu veut quitter le programme tape (-1) pour la valeur de n'importe bandenn');
- printf('0-Noir n' '1-Brun n' '2-Rouge n' '3-Orange n' '4-Jaune n' '5-Vert n' '6-Bleu n' '7-Violet n' '8-Gris n' '9-Blanc nnn');
- printf('Quelle est la valeur de la premiere bande de couleur n');
- scanf('%d',& bande1);
- while(bande1 > 9 && bande1 < -1){
- if(bande1 -1) {
- system('PAUSE');
- return(0); }
- else {
- printf('mauvaise entree , quelle est la valeur de la premiere bande de couleur n');
- scanf('%d',& bande1);}
- }
- printf('Quelle est la valeur de la deuxieme bande de couleur n');
- scanf('%d',&bande2);
- while(bande2 > 9 && bande2 < -1){
- if(bande2 -1) {
- system('PAUSE');
- return(0); }
- else {
- printf('mauvaise entree , quelle est la valeur de la deuxieme bande de couleur n');
- scanf('%d',& bande2);}
- }
- printf('Quelle est la valeur de la troisieme bande de couleur n');
- scanf('%d',&bande3);
- while(bande3 > 9 && bande3 < -1){
- if(bande3 -1) {
- system('PAUSE');
- return(0); }
- else {
- printf('mauvaise entree , quelle est la valeur de la troisieme bande de couleur n');
- scanf('%d',& bande3); }
- }
- vresistance = ((bande1*10)+(bande2))* pow(10,bande3);
- printf('%d',vresistance);
- if(vresistance >= 1000){
- vresistance2 = vresistance /1000;
- printf('la valeur de la resistance(kilo-ohms) est : %f n', vresistance2);
- }
- else {
- printf('la valeur de la resistance (ohms) est : %f n', vresistance);
- }
- }while(x 0);
- system('PAUSE');
- return 0;
- }