Why having two editions?
The Mac App Store guidelines limit what an app can and can’t do. One of such limitations is inability to operate in privileged mode, another one is the mandatory operation in sandboxed mode.
Daisydisk Trial Limitations 2017
While being generally useful (as they prevent some apps from harming your system) these requirements may influence functionality of applications that need low-level system access. In order to comply with these rules we’ve removed a few features from the Mac App Store edition of DaisyDisk.

Dec 19, 2019 If you’re curious about DaisyDisk, you can try a limited Trial mode for free. This version lets you scan most of your hard disk but won’t delete any files for you. DaisyDisk is great for the casual Mac user looking to speed up their computer, but it’s not the only option.
Daisydisk Trial Limitations Free
- The trial version of EaseUS data Recovery Wizard just can scan your lost files. Please upgrade to the full version for recovery. For activation problem, please refer.
- Aug 28, 2015 I'm going to show you where your Apple computer eats up and stores memory.
- Free Trial DaisyDisk comes with a free trial, which is activated after obtaining a free trial key. The goal of the free trial is to demonstrate what you can do with the app and how exactly it works, but it’s NOT a “free version” or a replacement of the paid license.
- Mar 10, 2020 DaisyDisk uses a special kind of visualization that is called 'tree pie' or 'sunburst'. You can think of it as a tree-like pie chart, where each slice is a 'child' pie chart in itself. On early stages of our design process we analyzed and tested all existing kinds of charts for visualizaing file systems and concluded that the tree pie works.
- DaisyDisk is a program that scans an OSX harddrive and conveniently displays the occupied space so that users can pick-out what is eating their harddrive space. The trial limitation includes: nag-screens.
Here’s a complete list of differences between two editions of DaisyDisk:
Stand-alone | Mac App Store | |
System requirements | macOS Yosemite (10.10) or newer1 | macOS Yosemite (10.10) or newer2 |
Safety measures | Developer ID | Sandboxing |
Advanced features | Deleting stuckfiles | — |
Detect & reveal the hidden space | Only detect | |
Detect & purge the purgeable space | Only detect | |
Scan as administrator | — | |
Updates via | Built-in updater | Mac App Store |
Registration | License keys | Apple DRM |
Buy stand-alone edition | Buy Mac App Store edition |
Daisydisk Trial Limitations 2016
1Legacy versions for macOS 10.5—10.9 are available.
Daisydisk Trial
2Legacy versions for macOS 10.6—10.9 are selected automatically by the Mac App Store, depending on your current macOS version.
Migrating between editions
If you are our customer from the Mac App Store, you can get the stand-alone license for free.
If you migrate to the stand-alone edition, you can use the both editions side by side, or delete one of them to avoid confusion (recommended). You can freely reinstall and delete either of the two editions at any time.
Daisydisk Trial Limitations Ohio
If you’re wondering about a migration in the opposite direction (from a purchased stand-alone license to the Mac App Store) note that it’s technically impossible without re-purchasing. Also such migration doesn’t make much sense for most people due to the limitations of the Mac App Store.